MAAP-electronic Grade Management System | Sign-up

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MAAP-eGMS | Sign-up

GUIDE: Input the needed credentials to be able to create a user account. Use naming convention for the username. D for Dean, GL for Group Leader, FH for Function Head and F for Faculty, followed by "-", then, employee number. Example: D-1234, GL-1234, FH-1234, F-1234. An email address should be unique for every user account. If you have multiple user account like a function head, you should be able to provide two unique email addresses.

PASSWORD GUIDE: A sample valid password is: 1eGMS.Account (NOTE: The symbol should be placed in the middle and NOT in the end part of the password.)

NOTE: Students DO NOT NEED to sign-up here because their accounts are imported from the MAAP-OES.
Preferably your ID number (e.g. E-123)
Min. 2 characters
Min. 2 characters
Min. 2 characters (Type NONE if you don't have any.)
Min. 2 characters (e.g. Jr., Sr., III. Type NONE if you don't have any.)
Valid Email Address (e.g. Note: Use unique email address for each account you will create.
Combination of small and capital letters, numbers and any of the following characters in between: (!@#$%^&*()_+|~\- =\`{}[\]:”;'<>?,.\/, )] Valid Sample: 1eGMS.Account
Must match the password you typed
Max. of 100 characters. A question that only you can answer (This is used to recover lost password.)
The answer to your security question (This is CASE sensitive.)
Must match the security answer you typed