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MAAP-DAVS | Transcript of Records (TOR) and Diploma Checker

GUIDE: To view the status of your Transcript of Records and Diploma, follow the steps:
      1. Click the “Find and Show Data” button from the data grid. A message box will appear.
      2. Input your Midshipman Serial No. (MSN) and Last name in the message box.
      3. Click the “Ok” button. Your name, MSN and the details of the TOR and Diploma will be displayed if it is available. If your MSN and Name was not found, check whether your MSN and Last Name was correctly inputted.
          If no date was provided for the “Date Released” column but there is data in the columns: Document, and Remarks, it means the document you are requesting for is NOT YET AVAILABLE.
      4. If on the otherhand, you see your records and no data was provided in the columns: Document and Remarks, it means either you haven’t requested any document yet or the Registrar is not yet processing your document for release.
          NOTE: As of year 2022 (this is the year this system was established), the data of the class 2022 and the other classes who directly coordinate with the Registrar to request for documents can maximize the use of this system.
      5. If your input was correct and your name still does not reflect in the data grid, coordinate this situation with the Registrar’s Office via email:
      6. If the Remarks are lengthy or cannot be read via the data grid, you may click the “View” button, a modal will appear containing the contents of the record you are accessing.If a “Preview as HTML” button is visible, you may click on it to have a better view of the remarks.

REMINDERS: Releasing of your document’s is done every Saturday through express delivery courier (LBC). For you to know your LBC TRACKING NUMBER, kindly visit the Registrar’s Office Facebook page for the monitoring of your document’s.